10 tips for effective internal communication

10 tips for effective internal communication

1. Using narrowcasting for announcements

Strategically place digital screens in common areas such as cafeterias and meeting rooms to display important company announcements and news. This ensures information is immediately visible and increases engagement.


Install a network of screens that display real-time project statuses and company updates in the main lobby and cafeteria. Add periodic updates and diverse content, such as team achievements and inspiring quotes, to maintain relevance and interest.

2. Implementation of an employee app

Develop or use a mobile app for employees to share news, notifications, and internal documents. This allows employees to stay up-to-date anytime, anywhere.


Launch an employee app that sends push notifications for urgent updates and provides access to personnel files and schedule information. Add interactive features such as polls and feedback options to increase engagement.

3. Digital meeting room booking

Use an automated room booking system that allows employees to easily reserve and manage meeting rooms. This prevents double bookings and promotes efficient time management.


Install touchscreens at the entrance of meeting rooms where employees can see real-time availability and book directly. Implement reminder notifications to inform participants of upcoming meetings.

4. Integration of an intranet portal

Create a central intranet portal where all relevant company information, documents, and announcements are gathered. This serves as a single source of truth for all employees.


Introduce an intranet platform where employees can find company news, HR documents, and project information, and where social interaction is possible through forums and chat functions. Add a search function to quickly find specific documents or information.

5. Use of data connections and integrations

Ensure that different systems and tools within the organization can communicate with each other through data connections and integrations. This increases efficiency and ensures seamless information exchange.


Integrate the CRM system with the intranet so that sales data is automatically updated and available to relevant departments without manual entry. Ensure data security and compliance with privacy laws when connecting different systems.

6. Developing a communication plan

Develop a detailed communication plan that describes the goals, target groups, messages, channels, and timelines. This ensures a structured approach and helps monitor progress.


Create a communication plan stating that important company updates are shared weekly via the employee app and project statuses are updated daily on narrowcasting screens. Add a section on crisis communication to be prepared for unexpected situations.

7. Identify and analyze the target audience

Understand who the recipients of the communication are, what their needs and preferences are, and where they are located. This helps tailor the message and communicate more effectively.


Conduct a survey among employees to determine what information they value most and through which channels they prefer to receive it. Use personas to better understand different employee groups.

8. Determine the core message

Clearly define what you want to communicate and why it is important for the organization and the employees. Ensure the core message is consistent across all communication channels.


Establish that the core message for the next quarter focuses on increasing project efficiency and ensure this theme is reflected on the intranet, narrowcasting screens, and in the employee app. Ensure visual consistency across all communication materials to increase recognizability.

9. Use of differentiated communication channels

Choose the right channels for different types of messages and target groups within the organization. Not all communication fits every channel; ensure variety.


Use the employee app for quick, urgent updates and narrowcasting for general company announcements. Detailed project information can be shared via the intranet. Regularly monitor the effectiveness of each channel and adjust where necessary.

10. Evaluation and adjustment of the communication strategy

Set up a feedback mechanism to continuously evaluate and adjust the effectiveness of the communication strategy. This ensures continuous improvement and engagement.


Conduct a biannual evaluation of internal communication and use employee feedback to optimize content and channels, such as adding more interactive features to the employee app or expanding the narrowcasting network. Organize quarterly meetings with representative groups of employees to collect direct feedback and suggestions for improvements.

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